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Implantology Courses

DENTIS All on X Meeting

Seattle, WA

  • Basic – Advanced Level

  • Lecture & Hands-on

  • 14 CEUs

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

  • All Level

  • Lecture, Hands-on, Live Patient Surgery
  • 34 CEU

2024 Courses

Live Patient Surgery Training

  • Basic to Advanced  Level

  • Lecture, Hands-on & Live Patient Surgery Course
  • 30 CEU

Pleasanton, CA

  • All Levels: Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced Level
  • Lecture & Hands-on
  • 16 CEUs

Real Implant Training @ UABC

Tijuana, Mexico

  • Basic-Intermediate Level

  • Lecture, Hands-on & Live Patient Surgery
  • 48 CEUs

2024 GDIA Mexico Courses-Live Surgery

GDIA 101

Tijuana, Mexico

  • Beginner Level
  • 3 Day Live Patient Surgery Training
  • Luxurious Hotel Accommodation
  • 30 CEUs

GDIA 201

Tijuana, Mexico

  • Intermediate  Level
  • 3 Day Live Patient Surgery Training
  • Luxurious Hotel Accommodation
  • 30 CEU

GDIA 301

Tijuana, Mexico

  •  Advanced Level
  • 3 Day Live Patient Surgery Training
  • Luxurious Hotel Accommodation
  • 30 CEU

Live Surgery

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

  • All Levels
  • 4 Day Live Patient Surgery Training
  • Luxurious Hotel Accommodation
  • 34 CEU

Please Message or Call GDIA for detailed 2024 course information and registration. 

Call : 323-617-4141



About us


GDIA provides online webinars, clinical courses, & hands-on workshops, including live-patient surgical training. Being able to see how our participating student doctors have gone from point A to point B,C, all through Z, is truly a privilege. Our most highly-acclaimed Live-Patient Surgical Training Programs in Mexico are changing the lives of our student doctors and patients, and we’re elated to see their improvement milestones. We hope GDIA can be that “stepping stone” for you as well.

Natalia Duke

(Chairman and founder)

Best Awarded

Live Patient Surgery


Aesthetics & Restorative

Digital Dentistry


Study Club

We will send you GDIA 2024 Course Schedule

Please let us know the courses you are interested in.

The mission of Global Dental Implant Academy (GDIA) is to advance the field of implant dentistry by providing quality education and training to the dedicated clinicians who yearn to become the most distinguished dental professional.

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